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"Bristol's Suffragist"

March 29th 11:00 a.m. Morgan Hose Building 


Join Bristol Town Historian Beth Thomas for an engaging and informative talk on Emily Parmely Collins, born in South Bristol in 1814, founder of the Women's Equal Rights Union in Bristol in 1848, and friend of Frederick Douglass!

Headstone Cleaning - Hybrid Class

July 12th 10:00 a.m. Morgan Hose Building and Fairview Cemetery


Our presenter is Dave Bloom, a member of the Naples Historical Society and a self-proclaimed cemetery hound who calls himself “The Gravestone Guy”. He will present on the proper cleaning of historic gravestones in the Morgan Hose Building for the first hour then the class will travel to Fairview Cemetery for hands on cleaning of some historic headstones.

Headstone Repair - Hybrid Class

July 19th 10:00 a.m. Morgan Hose Building and Fairview Cemetery


Our presenter is Dave Bloom, a member of the Naples Historical Society and a self-proclaimed cemetery hound who calls himself “The Gravestone Guy”. He will present on headstone repair in the Morgan Hose Building for the first hour then the class will travel to Fairview Cemetery for hands on repair of some historic headstones.

Wednesdays at Fairview Cemetery during the spring and summer - Ken Bloom and NHS Board Member Ken Poole will be cleaning, restoring and repairing gravestones in the cemetery, stop by and lend a hand or just say hello.

Grape Pie Making Class

September 13th 12:00 Noon @ Trinity Federated Church Kitchen


Learn how to make a grape pie from former Grape Festival Pie Contest winner Meghanne Freivald. This is excellent practice if you would like to participate in the contest yourself on Saturday, September 27th at the Grape Festival.

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